Witherd Pillow

Vert Witherd Pillow歌詞

standin' 'round with a shadow cross my face
shunned by all,a Jesus freak
I'm different, not normal, dressed to formal,
not like them
well, I don't care. well yes, I do
but,I don't want them to like me
I want somethin' new
(C)->that's to bad, I don't care, lose the smile,
fix your hair AH,forget it

2.Here I Stay

here i stay
till i die
for the pain of movin's to great
they say to come out, but i don't move
for this is safe
here i stay, never to move. i'll stay here forever. It is safe
D-Day comes D-Day goes. the war may end,or the world may blow
in here i'll stay. It's safer this way
if the bomb falls i'll die if it don't i won't.

3.Naked Man

Paintin' pictures on the wall
tellin' of God the creator of all
someone took our paints away
they can't stand truth in the raw
Christian bigot tellin' Catholic boy that he's goin' to hell
never learnin' nor dicernin' that he's saved too
he can trust Jesus, and have a different name (than you)
investigation comin' in. Be above reproach, don't be a jerk
tell them the truth, not your ideas
you distorted mirror. You (they)think you reflect?
distorted mirrors are everywhere no wonder they don't understand
disrorted mouth spewin' jargon,you preach of the sun(son)just
get a tan
naked man,naked,naked,naked man
distorted naked man,you look fat but your really flat
He sees, and they see, they see, they see, they see, they see
you distortin' naked man!
(C)->We stand nude in front of God.He knows(IT SHOWS)we know it
so are you missin' somethin'? clothe your naked life with his-
you need him bad,so don't go runnin' away. You're just showin'
world yourself!


(C)I've a shadow,it follows close to me.
It's at my back shows in the semi light.
People see it,they talk and stare.
but I don't see it, and it's ready to pounce.(C)
They comeout when I'm luke warm, only absolute light frees me of
Hello my sweet shadows you are seen.
Feet apartand spread em,I've got the light right here.
It'll kill kill kill you,so die die die,can't escape my eye.
(C)-> shadows come and shadows go.they taunt and
laugh but I don't see them.they come out when I'm luke warm,
only absolute light frees me of them.

5.The Vert

Ride it man ride it
Just ride it dude
Up and down the vert
Just just do the vert
You're trapped on the vert
You can never leave
It has you now
It was fun,but now you're there forever
Where's the fun can't you tell no one?
The vert vert vert!
(C)->vert vert ride the vert!from one side to the other!

6.Withered Pillow

pain enters into my soul,my flesh is torn and longin' to be made
Unfamiliar feelin's surfaced on unfamiliar grounds
kills familiarity, longing to be made whole
siftin' through dirt.The ashes darken skys
I am buried by my weaknesses, unforgivin' lies
breathen air for reasons unknown
forgetful purpose all alone
grasping for belief, foot steps to trace
leading to home(?) Black Widow wievinlace
cursed by sins of others,standin' in glue
ever pullin' down, down, down, down!
(C)->lay your head on withered pillow
withered pillow will embrace
don't forget it's love for you
black widow wievin lace